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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Not Really Alone

Nov 28

Now I'm alone in a sense but never more accompanied in another.
Today I sat with at least 50 different members of the family in a warm room in the cold middle atlas mountains.
No one here speaks English and many times I'm not spoken to, only about,
but still everyone is warm and they invite me to be part of the family.
So, although I have left the comfort of those conversations and understanding,
those comforts are also here, waiting to be discovered.
I am never really alone.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful thought! It sounds like you are doing so well. I think your attitude is perfect, and I'm glad your family is so welcoming.

* said...

No, you are never alone.
Prayers for you are constant.

Your blog has been great.
Stay focused on your reason for being.